Product Updates · · 2 min read

June Product Updates

Discover the latest features and enhancements in our June 2024 Product Update at Oversee!

June Product Updates

June has been an exciting month at Oversee, with several significant updates designed to streamline your sales processes and enhance your outreach capabilities.

Here’s what’s new in our platform:

Store Locator


We are excited to introduce our brand-new Store Locator feature, which is uniquely integrated with both Faire and Shopify B2B from the outset. This powerful tool enhances your ability to focus on active and engaged retailers by automatically hiding stores that haven't placed an order recently.

Suggested Leads


Finding high-quality leads just got easier! Our AI assistant now automatically identifies top-quality leads that match your current outreach targets and explains why they are a good fit for your campaigns, saving you significant time and effort in lead generation.

Email Editor & "Write with AI" Enhancements

We’ve unified the email experience across the entire app, including Leads, Prospects, and Templates sections. Additionally, our improved Write with AI feature can now craft multi-step email campaigns, designed to enhance conversion rates in your lead campaigns.

Lead CSV Upload

To provide you with greater flexibility and help consolidate all your B2B contacts, we've enhanced our CSV upload functionality. You can now upload any leads directly into Oversee and start sending emails, ensuring no potential lead is overlooked.

We believe these updates will make a substantial difference in how you manage your sales pipeline and engage with potential buyers. Your feedback is incredibly valuable to us, so please let us know how these new features are working for you.

For any questions or additional support, visit our Help Center or reach out to our support team directly. We are excited to continue helping you expand your reach and achieve greater success!

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